through a veil of magic
a world unfolds
beyond the veil
so much untold
images form
out of the mist
gently kissed
thoughts reborn
forgotten, missed,
step through the veil
spirits blissed
welcomed warmly
dispelling wist
I feel them near
I hope, I pray
they do not fade
no, not today
they'll warm my heart
on winters day
and fill my heart,
hold fear at bay
Oh, are you there?
Please, do you hear?
these images
I hold so clear
thoughts and shadows
on which I glance
fear them fleeing,
taking chance
reach to touch them
feel them dance
before they're gone,
past circumstance
Image courtesy of Suzen Juel
I took a walk the other day
"To find myself" is what I say
I'm looking for just another way
to understand my being
When next to me, I realized
was walking (boy was I surprised!)
myself, not in the least disguised,
It was me that I was seeing
This oddness had me in despair
(I did not like me being there)
until I saw his graying hair
and HIS look of disbelieving
So, up, the conversation grew
where to go, I wish I knew
time was passing, minutes flew
not sure what was achieving
I soon learned I was clueless, yes
of how I'd gotten in this mess
when I asked me, well I knew much less
and both of me were truly lost
but comfort lay right in that feeling
knowing not what life was dealing
this oddness soon became appealing
with oh, so little perceived cost
but in the end, I had to go
I shook my hand and bowed quite low
for it was me I'd come to know
while walking in that no place
I miss me sometimes feeling nearer
but when I look into the mirror
I feel that I have naught to fear or
cause a frown upon my face