Speak to me now
If only you could
As I wait ...
... and look in your eyes
... and wonder
If you knew where I have been
would you stay?
Still as I am
do you know that I live?
(or lived...)
For you, I am here, still, quiet,
your perch, your safe harbor
What I have done matters not to this moment.
Would you forgive me if you knew?
Time heals all wounds, but which clock?
how much time?
how deep are the wounds?
Or, are they changes, not meant to heal?
Changes that,
with the slow, meandering trickle of time
I am us. We are me, and we are not.
Are these the eyes I saw through yesterday?
When was yesterday?
Are you part of us?
or, are you free
2013/07/09 inspired by WhiskeyMonday's image
Sweet Child of Mind
Somewhere, I remember
Somewhere, I feel
I think of you,
and how you grew
I kissed away the tears
I hugged away the fears
I showed you the way
when the road ahead was uncertain
although it was a guess
Somewhere, I believe
I think of your first steps
of your scrapes and bruises
that hurt me more than you can imagine
I dream of your successes
Your proud face as you stood on your own
and began to walk where you chose
and not where I led you
Somewhere, it happened
I see your face age
I see your smile
as it changed from innocence
to knowing bemusement
at where we have all gone
and cannot return from
Somewhere, it remains
I yearn to recapture
to relive
to live
to feel
Somewhere, it can be
But not here, not now
This isn't you, could it be?
Can it ever be?
Are these even my memories?
Please tell me that you are my memory
that I held you
and kissed away your tears
so very long ago
Somewhere, it must have been
2013/07/09 inspired by WhiskeyMonday's image
At what cost?
When once my soul was housed in flesh
my eyes could weep.
A memory came to me, fresh
of when "smell" was a sensation
and not merely a concept
I see it, I understand it, I perceive it
but I know that I am missing
I cannot experience
I cannot begin
I cannot
What am I now?
Where have "I" gone?
I live on, but what cost?
I recall, but I don't rememeber
I know but I didn't learn
Is the fragrence real
or a memory inserted in my thoughts
by a part of me no longer "real"?
I long for what I no longer believe
as the flower dies.
2013/07/09 inspired by Whiskey Monday's image
Only dreams in which you follow
Just in thoughts, your lies persist
In my past, which still feels hollow
O're my shoulder yet you stay
Plague me still, the words, the slander
Forgotten lines, but still, the gist
'til my mind can safely wander
'til your shadow's gone away
Through this wood I see me passing
Through the leafless branches, still
Hoping here, they'll stop harassing
All these barbs you left in me
Cleanse me, please, dear endless mist
Embrace me with your tendrils chill
Close these wounds your cold lips kissed
shadows gone and let me be
2013/07/04 inspired by Whiskey Monday's image
I find my way, when truly lost
the gauntlet holds me, progress blocked
creativity the cost
and nothing seems to matter
I navigate the coldest sea
skirt the shoals and hidden rock
through the storm and find the lee
e'en when all others scatter
The depth of night shan't bring me fear
The hidden stars still there to guide
I will, a way, to find, be near
ignoring echoed lies
For always, I know journey's end
will find me laying by your side
will bring me to my truest friend
I live to see your eyes
2013/04/26 - In response to a Red Rose challenge
Mine own true enemy
Come ye now and dare to face me
Do your worst, try to erase me
I will not run, you won't debase me
Do your worst, fell monster
Armed with words, the brave Pedant did
step into this world, enchanted
facing fears long since recanted
where you dwell, fell monster
Shall I hide beneath this shadow?
walk into a misty meadow?
face you down with bow and arrow
face to face, fell monster?
Now, to you, a solemn promise
You'll be down, head on the ground! This
is my right! A well earned office
You will die, fell monster!
Through the mists I hear you coming
Echoed roar, I hear you running
Burning anger, you are coming
FACE ME NOW, fell monster
Looking close, I see the eyes shine
Bearing down, I stand in his line
In his face, I sense, I see mine
are you me, fell monster?
2013/04/07 via NL495
I wait
I looked up
Within the room where once I sat
not knowing what awaited me
The sun's empty promise
burned through me
burned my soul
burned my heart
but left my mind untouched
The ocean looked on
windswept trees mocked my stale life
age'd rocks
breathing the mist of frozen waves
laugh at my living stillness
The arms reach out from across the room
but don't invite me
don't recognize me
don't care
can't care
will never care
standing next to each other
fading into the dark
where does my world start?
where does it end?
I see no corners
only walls
that should meet
but hide their congress
from my searching eyes
I wait
2013/04/07 Thank you, Isle
I am bound to tell thee

By chance, I walked a hidden path
forgotten, oh, these many years
it suffered less of nature's wrath
than I had thought it likely
And brought to mind, this heaven's scene,
a wondrous scent, earthly decay
and black from brown and brown from green
as cycles circle blithely
By whim, I turned, when caught my eye
an apparition nearly missed
that faded fast when I walked by
into the background, spritely
By fortune, came I to a glen
and saw, beyond, a castle grand
that came to be, I know not when,
protecting master nightly
I thought of Alice, thought of Pooh
I thought of memories put to bed
I pondered long, as oft I do
of trees and how they cover
I thought of these things fresh and new
though decades many past have marched
they're here and now, though time, it flew
and still of them I tell thee
At length, I knew, 'twas time to home
She's held me in her gentle hands
as comes to end my time to roam
my time with this, my lover
I will once more join all my kin
we carriers of wit and lust
hold fast the words of life within.
Once more, the shelves await me
Inspired by the image, not the title
Talking of Northern Lights
I feel the words invite me in
The story takes my hand and then
It sets me gently in a chair
and takes me to some place, some when
It asks me to sit back, relax
and listen while a thread begins
a thread that soon a garment forms
or blanket or a scarf, it spins
a pair of gloves, the fingers warm
a jacket keeping off the cold
a story that passed long ago
but never, ever growing old
I am what I have become...
a product of where I've been
Those I've known have touched me
I've been moved and shaped by what I've seen
The order was important,
though maybe not designed,
it brought me to where I am
standing here...
...in front of you.
Your world throws you
from one place to the next
a myth we delude ourselves with
to impose order where there was none
Our journeys are in progress
We can travel together...
... or just the same way
for as long as our paths allow
"Smell the roses" lest they be forgotten
"A smile will keep them guessing"
... and may convince ourselves for a time
The choice is ours to enjoy...
... or regret
-- 2013/03/25
a product of where I've been
Those I've known have touched me
I've been moved and shaped by what I've seen
The order was important,
though maybe not designed,
it brought me to where I am
standing here...
...in front of you.
Your world throws you
from one place to the next
a myth we delude ourselves with
to impose order where there was none
Our journeys are in progress
We can travel together...
... or just the same way
for as long as our paths allow
"Smell the roses" lest they be forgotten
"A smile will keep them guessing"
... and may convince ourselves for a time
The choice is ours to enjoy...
... or regret
-- 2013/03/25
Off station
I once began to hum a tune
I'd never heard before
I recognized it right away
A smile ran 'cross my face
A radio inside my head
between 2 stations found
the melody that filled my soul
and brought me to this place
I'd speak of blooms and lush green grass
if you think you'd believe
but, no, I'll let you dream a dream
and follow in my thought
Walk with me now, let's look around
and hold my hand, along
and be with me, experience,
this world that tune has wrought
2013/03/09 inspired by a haiku by Garnet Psaltery
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